The 2021 Winter Auction - Sale 337
20 – 22 December 2021
20 – 22 December 2021
- Banknotes (795) Apply Banknotes filter
- China PRC (470) Apply China PRC filter
- PRC (409) Apply PRC filter
- Hongkong (397) Apply Hongkong filter
- All China - Collections & Accumulations (273) Apply All China - Collections & Accumulations filter
- Collections and Lots China (197) Apply Collections and Lots China filter
- Imperial Post (153) Apply Imperial Post filter
- Coins and Medals (149) Apply Coins and Medals filter
- Republic of China (115) Apply Republic of China filter
- Macau (78) Apply Macau filter
- Overseas (59) Apply Overseas filter
- Local Post (50) Apply Local Post filter
- Worldwide (44) Apply Worldwide filter
- Foreign PO in China (19) Apply Foreign PO in China filter
- Customs Post (8) Apply Customs Post filter
- Joint Issues (7) Apply Joint Issues filter
- Numismatics (7) Apply Numismatics filter
- Liberated Area (6) Apply Liberated Area filter
- Antike - Kelten - Süddeutschland (3) Apply Antike - Kelten - Süddeutschland filter
- British Commonwealth (3) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Malaya / Singapre / Straits Settlements (3) Apply Malaya / Singapre / Straits Settlements filter
- Provincial Issues & Postal History (3) Apply Provincial Issues & Postal History filter
- 1912-1949 ROC - War Time Surcharges stamps & postal history (1) Apply 1912-1949 ROC - War Time Surcharges stamps & postal history filter
Displaying 1825 - 1836 of 3302
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 1,000 HK$
stampless, bearing Maritime Mail PO postmark. With lettersheet content. British government sent ships to Shanghai to deliver relief packages and repatriate citizens after WWII. These ships also delivered mails.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
stampless, bearing "Internee mail free of postage Shanghai PO" mark and Shanghai bilingual cds. Rare local cover as most covers were internationally used. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,500 HK$
stampless, bearing "Internee mail free of postage Shanghai PO" mark and US Army Postal Service cds. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
stampless, bearing US Army Postal Service meter stamp and airmail label. On reverse with oval Ash Camp seal. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,500 HK$
stampless, bearing "Internee mail free of postage Shanghai PO" mark. On reverse with Shanghai cds. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,500 HK$
stampless, bearing US Army Postal Service machine postmark., along with Tientsin Red Cross seal. Sender was KM Fojoucky, Catholic clergy at St Louis College. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
stampless, bearing Maritime Mail PO postmark. With lettersheet content. British government sent ships to Shanghai to deliver relief packages and repatriate citizens after WWII. These ships also delivered mails.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 1,000 HK$
f.w. Victory commemorative and SYS issues x 5 on reverse, in total rate of $560, tied by Shanghai bilingual cds., along with US arrival. On front bearing registered and airmail label.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
stampless, bearing "Internee mail free of postage Shanghai PO" mark, endorsed "By Special Air Transport". On reverse with Shanghai cds. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
both bearing US Army Postal Service postmark, one cover also bearing T mark. One cover sent from Lunghwa Camp and another cover from China Inland Mission. F-VF.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 1,000 HK$
comprising 1c+1c, 2c+2c & 4c+4c x 2. All unused. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 1,800 HK$
comprising 1c+1c x 2, one Shanghai locally used, one unused and an unused 15c+15. VF-F.