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54 - 丰和雅聚1 -- HDPC-A : Susie YENs “VINTAGE LIFESTYLE” Collection Part A 


55 - 丰和雅聚2 -- HDPC-B : Susie YENs “VINTAGE LIFESTYLE” Collection Part B 


56 - 丰和雅聚3 -- HDPC-C : Susie YENs “VINTAGE LIFESTYLE” Collection Part C  


57 - 丰和雅聚4 -- HDPC-D : Susie YENs “VINTAGE LIFESTYLE” Collection Part D 


58 - 专题研究1 -- SIBE-A : China-Europe Mail Via Siberia, 1900--1933 


59 - 专题研究2 -- SIBE-B : Chronology of China-Europe Mail Via Siberia, 1898-1911  


61 - 1914之旅 -- SIBE-D : 1914 Journey London to Shanghai Via Siberia 


62- 蒙古邮品 -- SIBE-E : Mail To And From Mongolia Via Trans-Siberian Railway  


63 - 航空邮运 -- SIBE-F : Competition from Airmail Service  


64 - 竞争合作 -- SIBE-G : Competition From And Co-operation With Airmail Service 


65 - 中东铁路 -- SIBE-H : Russian Language & Russian Calendar Cancellations of The Chinese Eastern Railway 


66 - 南满铁路 -- SIBE-I  : Brief History of South Manchurian Railway & Its Postmarks 


67 - 专题邮集1 -- SIBE-J : Collection Exhibiting China-Europe Mail Via Siberia, No. 1  


68 - 专题邮集2 -- SIBE-K : Collection Exhibiting China-Europe Mail Via Siberia, No. 2 


69 - 专题邮集3 -- SIBE-L : Collection Of China-Europe Mail Via Siberia, 1902--1933  


70 - 江耀华集 --MHS-A : Jiang Yao Hua Correspondence 


71 - 沿用戳记 -- MHS-B : Markings of Origin Adopted by Various Min Hsin Chu’s 


72 - 合作投递 -- MHS-C : Items Handled by Two or More Min Hsin Chu’s  


73 - 资费探讨 -- MHS-D : Collection of Fees and Apportionment of Fees   


74 - 携带物品 -- MHS-E : Other Objects Carried Together With Letter  


75 - 竞争合作 -- MHS-F : Co-Operation And Competition Between Official Post Office And Min Hsin Chu’s 


76 - 私人信客 -- MHS-G : Private Letter Couriers  


77 - 邮政管理 -- MISC-A : Documents Adopted by Postal Administration Authority 


78 - 铁路邮局 -- MISC-B : Cancellations of Chinese Railway Post Offices 


79 - 蒙古邮品 -- MISC-C : Mongolian Items  


80 - 收到已破 -- MISC-F : Received Broken Resealed By Official Post Office 


81 - 世界同语 -- MISC-H : Esperanto The Universal Language