The 2021 Winter Auction - Sale 337
20 – 22 December 2021
20 – 22 December 2021
- Banknotes (795) Apply Banknotes filter
- China PRC (470) Apply China PRC filter
- PRC (409) Apply PRC filter
- Hongkong (397) Apply Hongkong filter
- All China - Collections & Accumulations (273) Apply All China - Collections & Accumulations filter
- Collections and Lots China (197) Apply Collections and Lots China filter
- Imperial Post (153) Apply Imperial Post filter
- Coins and Medals (149) Apply Coins and Medals filter
- Republic of China (115) Apply Republic of China filter
- Macau (78) Apply Macau filter
- Overseas (59) Apply Overseas filter
- Local Post (50) Apply Local Post filter
- Worldwide (44) Apply Worldwide filter
- Foreign PO in China (19) Apply Foreign PO in China filter
- Customs Post (8) Apply Customs Post filter
- Joint Issues (7) Apply Joint Issues filter
- Numismatics (7) Apply Numismatics filter
- Liberated Area (6) Apply Liberated Area filter
- Antike - Kelten - Süddeutschland (3) Apply Antike - Kelten - Süddeutschland filter
- British Commonwealth (3) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Malaya / Singapre / Straits Settlements (3) Apply Malaya / Singapre / Straits Settlements filter
- Provincial Issues & Postal History (3) Apply Provincial Issues & Postal History filter
- 1912-1949 ROC - War Time Surcharges stamps & postal history (1) Apply 1912-1949 ROC - War Time Surcharges stamps & postal history filter
Displaying 1801 - 1812 of 3302
Starting Price: 1,200 HK$
Hammer Price: 1,800 HK$
including one SYS letter sheet, addressed bu not canceled. VF-F.
Starting Price: 5,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 10,500 HK$
mainly f.w. SYS and Martyrs issues, mostly sent to oversea addresses, including surface mail, printed matter, airmail and registered mail. Good for postal history study. Please view.
Starting Price: 2,400 HK$
Hammer Price: 7,500 HK$
mostly f.w. SYS & Martyrs issues, including some Manchukuo covers. An interesting lot. Need viewing.
Starting Price: 1,600 HK$
Hammer Price: 4,200 HK$
including Tsinghai, Kansu, Ninghsia, Chahaer and North East. A nice group. VF-F.
Starting Price: 600 HK$
Hammer Price: 800 HK$
all bearing SYS or Martyrs issues, comprising two covers to USA, one censored cover to England and one domestic registered cover. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,500 HK$
f.w. Junk 4c x 2 and 5c on reverse, tied by Puchi bilingual cds., along with Hankow and Chihli Chengting transit. On front with Hupeh registered mark. VF-F.
Starting Price: 800 HK$
f.w. Junk 3c, tied by Jenshowhsien bilingual cds., along with "This mail was censored in Jenshow without damaged" cachet and Chengtu arrival. Cover faulty. F-VF.
Starting Price: 1,500 HK$
Hammer Price: 1,600 HK$
f.w. 150th Anniv of the Constitution of US 25c and 50c, tied by Kansu Chuoni cds., along with Lintan transit. On reverse with Kaolan, Chunking and Hong Kong transits. Brilliant cover during Sino-Japanese War. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 3,400 HK$
f.w. Martyrs 20c imperf block of 4 and other SYS and Martyrs issues, tied by Canton bilingual cds., with Hong Kong Japanese Occ. time arrive cds. VF.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
f.w. SYS surch CNC $250, tied by Canton Postal Saving branch PO cds., along with Canton transit and Taiwan Taipei arrival cds. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,200 HK$
Hammer Price: 2,200 HK$
all from Shansi province, bearing oval censored markings. VF-F.
Starting Price: 4,600 HK$
Hammer Price: 4,600 HK$
from Kunming, Shanghai, Canton and Peking, f.w. mostly SYS and Martyrs issues, along with triangular censor mark and censor label.