Lot# 1109

The 2023 Special Sale - Sale 341   7th October 2023, Hong Kong

Lot# 1109
Starting Price: 6,000 HK$
1900 (Mar) German Post in China 10Pf double postal card, used both sides, front part from Kiaochow Tsingtau to New York, USA, mixed franking with CIP 1c, tied by Kiaochow Tsingtau German Post cds. and Kiaochow oval datestamp respectively, on reverse with Japan transit and Yonkers (US) arrival cds. Reply part sent back from New York to Kiaochow, bearing cancellation by Yankers duplex (9 June) and New York Machine cancellation, the C.I.P. 1c tied by Shanghai Local Post cds (7 July), together with Vancouver duplex (16 June) Shanghai British PO cds, and Kiaochow oval arrival datestamp. Extremely rare internationally used double postal card. VF-F.