拍品號碼 1109

Clement Ho's Collection   October, 2023

拍品號碼 1109
起標價: 6,000 HK$
1900年3月德國在華客郵10芬尼郵資雙片,兩面均實寄,正片自膠州青島寄紐約,混加貼蟠龍1分票,分別銷膠州青島德國客郵局日戳及膠州郵政局橢圓形日戳,背面蓋有日本橫濱中轉戳和紐約到達戳。回片仍然相連,自紐約寄回中國膠州,蓋有加拿大、上海英國客郵局、書信館中轉戳和膠州橢圓到達戳。十分罕見的國際寄回雙片。 front part from Kiaochow Tsingtau to New York, USA, mixed franking with CIP 1c, tied by Kiaochow Tsingtau German Post cds. and Kiaochow oval datestamp respectively, on reverse with Japan transit and Yonkers (US) arrival cds. Reply part sent back from New York to Kiaochow, bearing cancellation by Yankers duplex (9 June) and New York Machine cancellation, the C.I.P. 1c tied by Shanghai Local Post cds (7 July), together with Vancouver duplex (16 June) Shanghai British PO cds, and Kiaochow oval arrival datestamp. Extremely rare internationally used double postal card. VF-F.