The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340
24 – 28 June 2023
f.w. CIP 2c, tied by Tientsin bisected bilingual cds., on reverse with Kiaochow arrival cds. The Kiaochow bisected cds. is the latest recorded of ROC example in Tsingtau before Japanese seizure.
f.w. CIP 2c, 4c and 5c, tied by Wuchow bisected bilingual cds., along with R mark. On reverse with Canton (Jan 30), Shanghai (Feb 4) and non-standard oval Kiaochow arrival mark (Feb 9) .
tied by Macao cds., along with Hong Kong (Jan 22), Shanghai (Jan 25) transit and Kiaochow (Jan 30) arrival cds. on both sides.
f.w. CIP 4c, tied by Soochow bisected bilingual cds. On reverse with Shanghai transit cds. (Apr 25) and violet oval Kiaochow PO (May 2) arrival mark.
f.w. CIP 4c, tied by Shantung Kiaochow double-ringed lunar year cds. This cover was paying 4c concession rate.
tied by Shantung Kiaochow lunar year cds. This card was delieverd via Kiaochow - Tsinan Railway instead of steamer.
f.w. CIP 1/2c, tied by Kiangsu Shanghai cds. Arrived Kiaochow (Aug 15).
f.w. Hong Kong QV 5c, tied by Hong Kong cds. On reverse with Tsintau German PO (Dec 27) transit and violet oval Kiaochow PO (Dec) arrival mark.
f.w. German issue 10pf, tied by Deutsche Seepost / Ost-Afrikanische Hauplinie cds, along with Colombo (May 27) transit and Singapore to Hong Kong marine sorter (Jun 2). Then the card was missent to Nagasaki (Jun 13) and returned to China via Shanghai (Jun 16). Finally arrived with Kiaochow and Tsingtau PO tombstone cancels. Spectacular route.
indicia tied by oval Kiaochow PO cds while alongside f.w. German ovpt. "China" 5pf, tied by Taputur Germany PO cds. Arrived Bilstein (Apr 13).
f.w. CIP 2c vertical pair, tied by Shantung double-ringed lunar year cds. On reverse with Kiaochow (Jun 5) transit cds.
stamp off at lower right, bearing Kiaochow (May 12) transit cds. and framed Liuting seal on reverse.