The 2022 Winter Auction - Sale 339
17 – 20 December 2022
- (-) Remove The Artful House Collection of Trans-Siberian-Route Postal History filter The Artful House Collection of Trans-Siberian-Route Postal History
f.w. CIP ovpt. ROC 2c, 3c, 5c and 10c, tied by Kirin bisected bilingual cds., along with registered mark. On reverse with Harbin transit (Sep 10) and England arrival cds. (Sep 10).
f.w. CIP 1c, tied by Kirin Harbin lunar year cds. The earliest recorded Harbin mail via Trans-Siberian Railway, just after the Russian postal interchange agreement.
uprated by Junk 3c, tied by Taheiho bilingual cds, along with Harbin transit (Jun 15) and Germany arrival cds. (Jun 29).
uprated by CIP ovpt. ROC 3c and 10c, tied by Singcheng bilingual cds., along with Shitow Chengtze (Nov 3), Harbin transit and Germany arrival cds. (Mar 26).
f.w. CIP issues, tied by Tangshan, Pangchuenchow or Kuyeh cds. 20 days were spent on transit for the card via Shanghai - Dairen route.
one from Pehtaiho to Germany, bearing Tientsin French PO transit, Another card from France to Pehtaiho via Trans-Siberian Railway and Peking - Moukden Railway, along bearing Peking French PO transit cds.