Lot# 7046

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

Lot# 7046
Starting Price: 30,000 HK$
30 Jul 1912 registered mail applied to a C.I.P. 4th series complete double-card sent from Chungking to Germany with excellent conditions, which is rare to see it on a stationery dcomplete double-card.

30 Jul 1912, a C.I.P. 4th series stationery complete double-card, sent in registered mail from Chungking, Szechuan to Germany, uprated with two half-cent coiling dragon stamps overprinted with the Song font "Republic of China", one 5-cent stamp, and one 7-cent stamp. Together with the 1 cent of the card postage rate, it totaled 14 cents registered postal card rate for overseas. The card was cancelled with a Chungking bilingual waist-frame postmark (First Year, July 31), a Hankow bilingual bisected transit c.d.s., and a Chungking rectangular registered mark (R / Registered No. 417). The back was cancelled with a Moukden bilingual bisected c.d.s with hand-writing the date "14". Both sides have German Baden arrival c.d.s. Registered 4th series C.I.P. complete double-card ovpt with "Republic of China" is very rare. This one was sent in the first year of the Republic of China. According to our record, only three such items exist, for which this one is of best conditions.