The 2024 Winter Auction - Sale 344 (December 14 - December 17, 2024)
Sale 344
December 14 - December 17 2024, Hong Kong
Displaying 301 - 312 of 339
Starting Price: 8,000 HK$
tied by Kwantung Lung Chuan lunar year cds., along with Kwangtung Hoyuan, Canton and Namtow transit cds. Rare. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,400 HK$
uprated on reverse CIP 5c, tied by Chihli Changhsintien lunar year cds., with beautiful coloured hand painting, on front bearing Shanghai Chinese PO, French PO transit and Belgium arrival cds.
Starting Price: 1,400 HK$
tied by Shantung Taichiachuang cds., on reverse with Yenchow transit and Tenghsien arrival cds. VF-F.
Starting Price: 10,000 HK$
uprated by CIP 1c & Hsuan Tung Issue 2c, tied by Luanfu lunar year cds., along with Peking Chinese PO, French PO, Holland transit and arrival cds. VF-F.
Starting Price: 2,400 HK$
tied by Chifeng lunar year cds., along with Chihli Chaoyang transit cds., on reverse with unclear transit cds.
Starting Price: 1,200 HK$
printed advertisement on reverse, postage canceled by Shanghai LPO cds., along with a tiny cachet in Chinese. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,200 HK$
canceled by Shansi Sian lunar year cds., along with Kingchow arrival cds.
Starting Price: 6,000 HK$
117mm inner frame distance, reply portion with the outer frame shifted down variety. VF-F. Very rare.
Starting Price: 1,000 HK$
one Shanghai locally used, one Shantung Yenchow to Komi and one Chihli Tientsin to Shanghai. VF-F.
Starting Price: 1,200 HK$
uprated by CIP x 3, total 4c postage, tied by Chinchow lunar year cds., along with Peking, Peking French P.O. transit and Belgium arrvial cds. On reverse with Shansi Sian transit cds.
Starting Price: 1,200 HK$
uprated by CIP 1c & 2c, tied by Lanchow lunar year cds., along with Lanchow Tombston #12 Letterbox cachet, Shanhsi Sian, Peking transit and Verviers, Belgium arrival cds. VF.
Starting Price: 700 HK$
tied by Shantung Kim Hsiang lunar year cds., along with Yenchowfu, Tenghsien transit and Ichowfu arrival cds. on reverse with Tsining transit cds.