The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340
24 – 28 June 2023
sent "Via Marseilles" and rated "2/1", "2/2", alongside with Boston arrival (Jul 10). On the flap with Shanghai (spelled as Shanghae) BPO origin cds and Hong Kong (May 8). The letter is mostly about the Anglo-French force fighting against the Taiping Rebellion in Kading in the 2nd Battle of Shanghai.
both bearing Hong Kong transit. One cover delivered per Messageries Maritime paquebot Imperatrice with framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" cachet which is rare on Chinese mails. Two early covers during the Customs era of Chinese post.
indicia tied by Hong Kong cds. Pakhoi was opened as one of the four new treaty ports according to the 1876 Chefoo Convention.
two covers f.w. French Indochina 15c, showing multiple paquebot and French transit cds. Reflecting Tonkin Campaign as well as the Sino-French War.
bearing "Marine et Colonies, Service a la Mer" seal and French paquebot transit (Sep 4) on front. On reverse with Besancon (Oct 8) arrival. It is the earliest mail packet recorded after the Sino-French War. It supposed to be originated from Foochow and sent to Hong Kong for further delivery after Battle of Foochow. According to "De Paquebot des Messergeries Maritime“ by La Salles, Admiral Courbet’s squadron bombarded the Foochow Arsenal in Pagoda Anchorage. The big liners stopped at Hong Kong and the first voygage from Hong Kong was 4 Sep 1884.
written by a seaman onboard French cruiser Nielly, bearing "Marine et Colonies, Service a la Mer" seal and French paquebot cds. On reverse with Paris arrival (Dec 21). Nielly joined Coubet’s Squadron in Oct to reinforce the garrison of Keelung and Formosa blockade. This mail was acrried by coastal steamer from Formosa to Saigon as it missed the Keelung Packet. With letter sheet content.
bearing "Marine et Colonies, Service a la Mer" seal, Keelung paquebot cds, Hong Kong and French transit or arrival.
bearing "Marine et Colonies, Service a la Mer" seal, French paquebot and France transit and arrival cds.
showing Marseilles and Saigon paquebot transit cds. Cruiser Eclaieur took part in the Battle of Shipu.
bearing Hong Kong and French paquebot transits. A group of mails during the Battle of Chinhai and the Rice Blockade.
bearing "Marine et Colonies, Service a la Mer" seal, France transit and arrival. Reflecting the Pescadores campaign after an unsuccessful attempt to capture of Taipei.
showing delivery characters and postage in Suzhou numeral on reverse. Lin Chao-Dong reinforced the Imperial forces in Sino-French War and defended Taipei successfully for multiple times against the French troops.