Lot# 1102

The 2023 Special Sale - Sale 341   7th October 2023, Hong Kong

Lot# 1102
Starting Price: 3,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 3,000 HK$
1933 (Nov 23) GB KGV 1d taxed postal card, from G.B. to Surrey, then re-directed to Hong Kong and finally returned to the sender in UK,

The incoming UK 1d UPU card was underpaid for overseas mail, hence HK Posage Due stamps of 1x1c brown and 1x5c yellow charged to the receipient when arrival at HK, which are cancelled by the violet boxed "Charge Not Collected / in Hong Kong" with various instructional markings including boxed "REFUSED", "RETOUR", "UNDERLIVERED FOR REASONS STATED / RETURN TO SENDER" in violet, "RETURNED LETTER OFFICE / HONG KONG / 3 JA 34". The card was further cancelled by an octangal "T" mark with manuscript of both "Refused" and "1D to Pay". On the back, it was stamped with a UK Postage Due stamp of 1d, beleieved to be charged to the sender when returned to Berkshire, UK. An amazing incoming UPU card demonstrating the use of postage due and return mail instructional markings.