Lot# 7029

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

Lot# 7029
Starting Price: 20,000 HK$
Hammer Price: 23,000 HK$
15 Oct 1904, a truly gem of hand-writing datestamp used in Tungchow, Shensi for international mail with a plenty of characters shown on the stationery card.

15 Oct 1904, a C.I.P. 2nd series stationery double-card reply portion, sent from Tungchow, Shensi Province to Sweden in Northern Europe, uprated with three 1-cent coiling dragon stamps, cancelled by a very rare Shensi Tungchow, lunar year Jia-Chen, hand-written lunar c.d.s (hand writing the Day 7th of the 9th month), and further cancelled by various lunar circular datestamps from Henan Shenchow, Hokanfu, and transit c.d.s. from Hankou and Shanghai. During transit, it was noticed that the 1-cent stamp on the postal card was yet to be cancelled and thereby cancelled with a pen stroke and the further by Hankow c.d.s. The postal card was delivered abroad to overseas via the Shanghai French P.O. Atlantic route to Northern Euro. This piece is a real gem of the C.I.P. hand-writing lunar year datestamps.