拍品號碼 9010

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 9010
起標價: 6,000 HK$
成交价: 16,000 HK$
1949年8月31日福建福州寄上海銀圓封,單貼國內平信單位票銀圓,符合國內平郵郵資,銷福州日戳,背面有上海到達戳。福州的金銀圓對換率和國內空郵資跟其它地區很大分別,為了防止炒作,福州郵局在49年七月發行手蓋和機蓋「福州」加蓋票。解放後沿用「福州」機蓋票實寄封,紀綠僅兩件。 f.w. Domestic Ordinary Unit Stamp x 1, matching the domestic ordinary postage, tied by Foochow cds., with Shanghai arrival cds. on reverse. Foochow area's Gold/Silver Yuan exchange rate and airmail rate were quite different from other areas. To prevent arbitraging, in July, machine and handstamped overprint "Foochow" stamps were issued. Only two machine overprints "Foochow" Silver Yuan postage in liberated area covers recorded.