拍品號碼 9020

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 9020
起標價: 6,000 HK$
成交价: 24,000 HK$
1949年10月27日福建上杭經龍巖寄上海銀圓封,貼印花改4分及廣東銀圓1分票各1枚,合5分銀圓,符合國內平信郵資,銷福建上杭日戳,背面有福建龍巖中轉及上海到達戳。上杭於9月10日已解放,此乃解放後沿用銀圓票的例子。自四月底至十月中,廣州為國民政府首都,但廣州郵政總局,並沒有向其他地區提供廣東銀元郵票,因此廣東銀元票的跨境實寄封罕見,而解放後沿用更是鳳毛麟角,至今只有四件記錄,全都是在福建使用。 f.w. Revenue surch. 4c & Kwangtung 1c Silver Yuan, total value 5c Silver Yuan, matching the domestic ordinary postage, tied by Fukien Shanghang cds., with Fukien Lungyen transit and Shanghai arrival cds. on reverse. Shanghang was liberated on Sep 10. This is a post-liberation usage example of Silver Yuan. Though Canton had been the Kuomintang capital during late April to mid October 1949, its General Post Office did not provide other postal districts with Kwangtung Silver Yuan stamps. Their cross-district and post liberation usage are therefore rare and to date only four are recorded; all in Fukien.