拍品號碼 5202

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5202
起標價: 20,000 HK$
成交价: 21,000 HK$
1900年5月19日中式封自營口寄盛京,正背面貼蟠龍1分票2枚及2分票1枚,分別銷營口西魚市口郵政分局碑型戳及牛莊半切日戳,背面另有瀋陽大清國郵政局碑型到達戳。上品。此封乃俞兆年著《大清郵戳史》第129頁圖270實物。 f.w. CIP 1c x 2 and 2c on both sides, tied by Yingkow tombstone mark and Newchwang bisected cds., on reverse also with Shenyang Imperial Post Office tombstone arrival mark. VF-F. Yu's "Imperial Post Postmarks' History" p.129, pic. 270.