拍品號碼 8033

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 8033
起標價: 1,200 HK$
成交价: 1,200 HK$
一組2張清四次郵資片應用例子,兩張均寄去日本國,均加貼蟠龍半分票1枚,第一張1909年7月22日從天津寄去日本,天津圓戳有些模糊 。 第二張1910年1月11日從上海高昌廟寄日本國,滬南的高昌廟鎮,地方歷史悠久,曾經聲名遠揚。 高昌廟一語兩意,先是廟名,後成地名,這語匯充滿了歷史厚重感,百多年來高昌廟地區從一個傳統的村落進而成為洋務重鎮。

the first stationery card was sent from Tienstin to Japan, and the Tientsin round postmark is a bit blurred. The second one was sent from Kaochangmiao in Shanghai to Japan. Kaochangmiao is in the south of the Yangtze River, has a long history and once had a far-reaching reputation. Kaochangmiao has two meanings, first is the name of the temple, then it became the name of the place, this term is full of historical weight. Over the past hundred years, the Kaochangmiao area has developed from a traditional village into a key foreign affairs town.