拍品號碼 8013

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 8013
起標價: 5,000 HK$
成交价: 32,000 HK$
1908年9月3日清四次郵資片從福州鼓嶺寄美國賓夕凡尼亞州,加貼蟠龍1分1枚、蟠龍2分1枚,銷非常罕見的「福州鼓嶺KULIANG」 拱形日戳,郵資標記另銷福州八卦印及福建福州腰框幹支日戳戊申七月初八,再轉銷福州法國客郵局出口,賓夕凡尼亞州到達印,清末晚期仍用八卦印罕少。

it was affixed with a 1 cent and a 2 cent Dragon stamp. The postcard was marked with a special Kuliang Foochow postmark and Foochow pakua seal, as well as a Fuchien Foochow waist-frame circled cds (the eighth day of the seventh lunar month). It was then transferred abroad from the Foochow French Post Office, together with a Pennsylvania arrival stamp. It is quite rare for the pakua seal to still be in use in the late Qing Dynasty.