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it was affixed with a Hsuan Tung 2 cent commemorative stamp (slightly oxidized and discolored) and a 1 cent Dragon stamp. There were two Hankow English-Chinese bilingual cds (Oct 21), a Peking transfer date stamp, then transferred to the Peking French P.O. to be delivered via the Siberian route. There is an arrival stamp from Belgium (7 Nov). The postcard is well-preserved.
it was affixed with a Hsuan Tung 3 cent stamp. There were two Sian Shensi full Chinese waist-frame circled lunar year cds, Chengchow Shensi circled lunar year cds , and a blurred Shensi provincial postmark. It was transferred to Shanghai (Jan 28), then to Japan by sea to the USA. The postcard is well-preserved.
with an additional 2-cent coiling dragon stamp and 4 Hsuan Tung 2-cent stamps (3 on the front and 1 on the back of the postal card). It was cancelled with 6 Tientsin Chinese-English semi-cut circled d.s. and also cancelled with the Tientsin registration mark "R / TIENTSIN.(CHINA) / No.21053". On the back of the postal card, there was one Kiaochow Chinese-English bilingual cds and another Tientsin registration mark which was crossed out by a post office employee using a blue pen. The postal card shows some signs of aging and slightly yellowish.
the front of the card was affixed with a 3-cent Hsuan Tung commemorative stamp. The stamp and postage were cancelled with a "Hunan / Jiyou Oct 19 / Leiyang" 3-grid lunar year cds, a Hungchow 3-grid lunar cds (Jiyou, Oct 20), a Changsha Chinese-English bilingual transit cds (6 Dec), and Shanghai on 14 Dec.
via Siberia, with an additional 3 cents Hsuan Tung commemorative stamp. It was cancelled with two bilingual small circle Wanhsien cds and also cancelled with a Hankow transit cds and a Peking transit cds. The postal card was then transferred to the Peking French P.O. for delivery to England. The card is well preserved.
via Siberia to Germany. A 3-cent Hsuan Tung commemorative stamp was attached, with 2 KIRIN (Bing) English-Chinese half-cut circle lunar cds (Jiyou winter-month, the first day). There is also a Harbin bilingual lunar year cds as transit datestamp.
第一張1912年2月16日從上海寄法國,加貼蟠龍3分票1枚,銷上海英漢腰框圓戳,轉至上海法國客郵局再 北上走西伯利亞線,片尺寸為91.5x138.5mm。第二張1912年5月14日從天津寄荷蘭,加貼蟠龍3分加蓋宋字體「中華民國」1枚,銷天津漢英半切小圓戳、天津法國客郵局小圓戳(5月 14日),另有郵差相關編號“23” “F28”,片尺寸為92x138mm。第三張1913年4月12日從漢口寄義大利羅馬,加貼蟠龍3分加蓋楷書「中華民國」1枚,銷漢口漢英半切小園,另蓋中轉拿玻裡圓戳及到羅馬到達戳,片尺寸為90.5x139.5mm。
the first card was sent from Kaifeng, Honan to Japan on 6 Oct 1909, with a 1/2-cent coiling dragon stamp attached, bearing a "No.5 Mailbox" small round postmark and postman mark "Chinese character "2"", cancelled by 3 Kaifeng (Ren) English and Chinese bilingual circle lunar year cds (Jiyou, lunar 8th month, 23trd day), transferred via Shanghai, via Shanghai I.J.P.O. to Nagoya, Japan, the card size measures at 91.5x138mm. The second stationery card was also sent from Kaifeng, Honan to Japan on 19 Nov 1909, with a 1/2-cent coiling dragon stamp attached, bearing a blurred "No.5 Mailbox" small round postmark and postman mark "Chiinese character "3"", cancelled by 3 Kaifeng (Ren) English and Chinese bilingual waist-frame circle lunar year cds (Jiyou, 7th lunar month, and 7th day), transferred via Hankow, Shanghai, via Shanghai I.J.P.O. to Nagoya, Japan, the card size measures at 93x139mm.
第一張背面貼上的牯嶺別墅群老照片,1908年7月22日從江西牯嶺寄德國柏林,蟠龍1分票1枚、蟠龍 2分票1枚,銷牯嶺英漢腰框幹支戳(戊申六月廿四),另蓋九江中轉印、上海德國客郵戳,此張特別短小,片尺寸為85x138mm。第二張1908年8月24日從廣東仁化寄德國,加貼蟠龍1分票1枚、蟠龍2分票1枚,銷3個廣東仁化三格幹支戳,另銷龍州三格干支戳,銷廣州漢英半切圓戳,片背面有香港中轉印,片尺寸為91x136mm。第三張1908年11月23日從福建福寧府寄都柏林,加貼蟠龍1分票1枚、蟠龍2分票1枚,銷2個福寧英漢腰框幹支圓戳(戊申十 月三十),中轉三都澳、羅星塔再到上海出口,片尺寸為92x138mm。
the first card dated 31 Aug 1909 is the reply part of the Qing Dynasty fourth double card, sent from Lu'an, Shansi to Netherland on 31 Aug, 1909, with an additional coiling dragon 1-cent stamp and a coiling dragon 2-cent stamp, cancelled with 4 Shansi Lu'an three-grid lunar year cds, and also cancelled with Chihli Shunteh lunar year transit cds, a half-cut small round seal of Peking, and a Dutch arrival cds. The card size is 92.5x140mm. The second one is the reply portion of the Qing Dynasty 4th double card, sent to Nanning on 9 Feb 1911, with a 3-cent stamp of the coiling dragon, the position of the card postage symbol is cancelled with LONDON WC 1911 FEB 9, and also cancelled with a Shanghai Chinese-English bilingual circle cds (17 Jan), Canton half-cut circled cds (4 Mar), Wuchow half-cut circle cds (6 Mar). The card size is 90x138mm.
including double cards of different sizes, including widths ranging from 134-143mm, heights ranging from 134-184mm, different sizes of T-lines, and slight variations in the characters "信" and "政". Required detailed examination.