拍品號碼 8049

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 8049
起標價: 2,600 HK$
成交价: 2,800 HK$
1909年10月21日清四次郵資片從漢口寄比利時國,加貼宣統2分票1枚、蟠龍1分票1枚,銷2個漢口漢英半切小圓戳(10月21日) 、北京中轉日戳,再轉至北京法國客郵局出口走西伯利亞線,蓋有比國到達印(11月7日)。 郵資片保存完好。

it was affixed with a Hsuan Tung 2 cent commemorative stamp (slightly oxidized and discolored) and a 1 cent Dragon stamp. There were two Hankow English-Chinese bilingual cds (Oct 21), a Peking transfer date stamp, then transferred to the Peking French P.O. to be delivered via the Siberian route. There is an arrival stamp from Belgium (7 Nov). The postcard is well-preserved.