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uprated by CIP ovpt. ROC 1/2c x 2 and 1c, tied by rare Wenchow Pakua cancel, along with Wenchow bisected cds., handwritten "Printed Matter", "T" mark and Germany arrival. VF-F.
f.w. CIP 2c x 5, tied by Whampoa Pakua cancel (222 221 imitation from Canton) and Whampoa bisected cds. On reverse with Canton, Hong Kong transits and Ceylon arrival. Small faults at flap. VF-F.
f.w. CIP 1/2c x 2, 1c x 2 and 2c, tied by Wuchow Pakua cancel, along with oval Wuchow Imperial Post Office datestamp. On reverse with Canton, Shanghai Dollar cds. and Ningpo Dollar arrival cds. VF-F.
bearing on reverse oval Canton Imperial Post Office datestamp, mixed franking with Hong Kong QV 10c x 3, tied by Canton Br. PO cds., along with R mark. Hong Kong transit and Germany arrival on reverse. Part of flap cut out. VF-F.
f.w. CIP 1c, 2c and 10c, tied by Shanghai bisected bilingual cds., along with R mark. On reverse with extremely rare oval Shanghai Imperial Post Office datestamp and embossed watermark. Cover opened for display. VF-F.
uprated by CIP 1c, 2c and mixed franking with Hong Kong KEVII 4c, tied by Kwantung Hingning Lunar Year cds. and Hong Kong cds. + IPO cachet respectievly, along with Hingning #1 Letter Box tombstone mark and Swatow transit. VF-F.
mixed franking of CIP 10c x 8 and Hong Kong issue 10c x 8 on both sides, tied by rare Hangchow Pakua cancel and Shanghai Br. PO cds. + IPO cachet respectively, along with R mark, Hangchow bisect cds. and Austria arrival. VF-F.
mixed franking with CIP 2c x 2 and Hong Kong QV 2c pair, tied by Hankow bisected cds. and Shanghai Br. PO cds. + IPO cachet respectievly, along with Shanghai Chinese PO, Hong Kong and French Paquete transists. VF-F.
mixed franking with CIP 4c and Hong Kong QV 2c pair, tied by Hankow bisected cds. and Shanghai Br. PO cds. + IPO cachet respectively, along with Shanghai Chinese PO, Hong Kong, French Paquete transits and Belgium arrival. VF-F.
uprated by CIP 1c x 2, 2c, and Hong Kong QV 2c pair, tied by Hankow bisected cds. and Shanghai Br. PO cds. + IPO cachet respectively, along with Shanghai Chinese PO, Hong Kong transit and Germany arrival. VF-F.