拍品號碼 5382

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5382
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 4,200 HK$
1914年7月1日湖北長江埠寄德國雙掛號封,混貼帆船票共13枚及楷字蟠龍2分票一枚,銷合郵資3角2分,銷湖北長江埠腰框日戳,旁蓋孝感中轉戳、RR章及手填地名英文掛號章。背面蓋另一款湖北省長江埠中文掛號章、北京中轉戳及德國到達戳。其中有一枚1分票破損修補好。整體上品。 f.w. Junk issue x 13 and CIP London ovpt. ROC 2c, in total rate of 32c, tied by Hupeh Chongkiangfu cds., along with Siaokan transit, RR mark and English registered mark. On reverse with a Chinese registered mark, Peking transit and Germany arrival cds. One Junk 1c stamp damaged and repaired. VF-F.