拍品號碼 5381

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5381
起標價: 1,000 HK$
成交价: 2,200 HK$
1913年中式封自安徽寄上海,背面貼蟠龍楷字加蓋1分票及大國字2分各一枚,銷安徽大阜腰框日戳,旁蓋杭州、上海中轉及到達戳。上品。大國字票實寄封較少。 franked on reverse CIP London ovpt. ROC 1c & Commercial Press ovpt. 2c, tied by Anhwei Dah Fu cds., along with Hanchow, Shanghai transit and arrival cds. CIP Commercial Press ovpt. is seldom used on cover. VF-F.