拍品號碼 4215

The 2023 Summer Auction - Sale 340   24th to 28th June 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 4215
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 3,200 HK$
1950年2月26及27日中華俄國郵票會十五周年紀念郵展封5枚,其中2枚分別貼全套淮海戰役及全套廣州解放票,其他3枚貼普票或區票,均銷上海郵展臨時郵局日戳,其中一枚實寄本地,餘蓋銷。上品。 two f.w. set of East China and South China commemorative stamps, other f.w. Regular Issue or Liberated Area issues, all tied by Shanghai Stampex temporary post office cds., one cover sent to local address, other all CTO. VF-F.