拍品號碼 5526

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 5526
起標價: 17,000 HK$
成交价: 17,000 HK$

with a fine array of transit backstamps of CHUNGKIANGHSIEN showing MIN GUO FOURTH YEAR 1915.2.19, Mienchuhsien, Wanhsien, Hankow, Peking-Moukden Bureau Ambulant datestamp, arriving Ramsgatge 29 MR 1915. It took 29 days for the cover to travel from Peking-Mpoukden Railway to destination, evidencing that the "Via Siberia" mail service was somewhat affected by World War I.