顯示 1494 的 1189 - 1200
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 15,000 HK$
f.w. C3 Trade Union Conference $100, $300, SYS Limited for Use in Northeast surch People's Post of China $20 in strip of 3 and $80 in strip of 3 on reverse, tied by Tientsin bilingual cds., along with Peking arrival cds.
起標價: 5,000 HK$
成交价: 5,000 HK$
franked on both sides NW District $1000 on $50 x 8 (one stamp with “$٨" variety), total rate $8000. Stamp at front canceled by rim of postmark, stamps at backside tied by Kunming cds., along with Canton transit cds. VF-F. A rare early PRC international airmail cover form South West China.
起標價: 800 HK$
成交价: 1,600 HK$
mixed franking on reverse with Liberated Area and PRC issues x 16, total rate $1000, tied by Wuhu cds., along with Shanghai arrival cds. On front with Shanghai machinery transit mark. Part of front side torn out. F-VF.
起標價: 1,200 HK$
成交价: 1,200 HK$
f.w. North China Area stamps x 7, total rate $11800, tied by Tientsin cds., along with Canton, England transit and arrival cds. Cover folded at middle. VF-F. Rare early PRC international airmail cover.
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 3,200 HK$
two f.w. set of East China and South China commemorative stamps, other f.w. Regular Issue or Liberated Area issues, all tied by Shanghai Stampex temporary post office cds., one cover sent to local address, other all CTO. VF-F.
起標價: 1,000 HK$
成交价: 2,600 HK$
f.w. C11 Lu Xun $400 x 5, SC5 surch People's Post of China $50 on Flying Geese x 2 and SC10 surch People's Post of China $50 on Money Order Stamp x 8 on both sides, tied by Hopei (Beijing) Tunghsien cds. On reverse with Canton transit cds.
起標價: 1,000 HK$
成交价: 2,200 HK$
addressed to famous Hong Kong stamp dealer Lee Chi Hei, f.w. SC10 Surcharged on Money Order Stamp set and C9 30th Anniv of CPC $500, tied by Shanghai bilingual cds. Just 2 month after issurance of R10 issues. VF-F.
起標價: 1,200 HK$
成交价: 2,400 HK$
f.w. C9 30th Anniv of CPC $400 x 6, C10 Defend World Peace $400, Tiananmen $5000 x 2 and SC6 $50 x 4 on reverse, tied by Shanghai cds, along with Canton transit cds. Nice franking. VF-F.