拍品號碼 7516

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 7516
起標價: 10,000 HK$
成交价: 20,000 HK$
1880 (Feb 25) Hong Kong QV 1c green postal card, from Hong Kong to Pakhoi,

tied by B62 killer, along witli Hong Kong cds., with wine advertisement on reverse, vertical fold. Earlier more than one month the previously Earliest Recorded Use 1880 QV 1c green postal card (3 April 1880)
Earliest Recorded Use of all QV postal cards with printed indicia by general public (except the another one 1880 4c grey postal card which is the earliest used by Hong Kong GPO on 19 Feb 1880 (see Lot 7553), extremely rare.