拍品號碼 3420

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 3420
起標價: 1,400 HK$
成交价: 1,800 HK$
1965-95年一組JT、文普及軍郵票等新票,大多成套,包括T31四方連、T41四方連、紀112票26套、文普1-3票各6枚、M4紅軍郵24枚。另有多一組T26帶廠銘四方連缺(5-2)成套。數量繁多,請預覽。 mostly in complete sets, including T31 in blocks of 4, T31 in blocks of 4, C112 x 26 sets, RW 1-3 x 6 of each, M4 x 24pc. Plus a group of T26 imprint marginal blocks of 4 missing (5-2) to complete sets. Large quantity. Please view.