拍品號碼 5401

2024冬季拍賣 - Sale 344 (12月14日至12月17)   12月14日至17日, 香港

拍品號碼 5401
起標價: 6,000 HK$
成交价: 7,500 HK$
1899年4月14日清一次片自宜昌寄澳洲,加貼日本版蟠龍票2枚及香港QV2先雙直連,分別銷宜昌大圓戳及上海日戳+IPO小橫戳,旁蓋香港中轉戳,背面有上海大圓戳、澳洲中轉和到達戳。片中間有折,宜昌大圓戳+IPO小橫戳清片罕。 uprated by ICP x 2 & mixed franking with Hong Kong QV 2c pair, tied by Ichang Dollar cds. and Shanghai Br. PO cds. + IPO cachet respectively, along with Hong Kong transit cds. On reverse with Shanghai Dollar cds., Australia transit and arrival cds. Card folded in the middle. Rare to see Ichang Dollar cds. + IPO cachet.