- Hong Kong (501) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Imperial Post (339) Apply Imperial Post filter
- 1912-1949 ROC (170) Apply 1912-1949 ROC filter
- Foreign PO in China (78) Apply Foreign PO in China filter
- Macau (61) Apply Macau filter
- Taiwan (52) Apply Taiwan filter
- Local Post (30) Apply Local Post filter
- Worldwide (29) Apply Worldwide filter
- All China (18) Apply All China filter
- Customs Post (14) Apply Customs Post filter
- Literature (13) Apply Literature filter
- Asia (8) Apply Asia filter
- Provincial Issues (6) Apply Provincial Issues filter
- Japanese Occupation (3) Apply Japanese Occupation filter
- Japan (2) Apply Japan filter
- Malaya / Singapore / Strats Settlements (2) Apply Malaya / Singapore / Strats Settlements filter
- Korea (1) Apply Korea filter
顯示 1344 的 109 - 120
起標價: 4,000 HK$
1900年10月從旅順口寄出的匯款掛號信,12月7日到黑海之濱的奧德薩(今屬烏克蘭),轉遞希臘Athos聖山。匯款金額5盧佈,收取郵資 24k(戈比),封背手書算法:14 + 3 + 7 = 24,即國內平信超重郵資 14k,加匯費 0.5% 按整數收取 3k,加掛號費 7k,合計郵資24k,不貼郵票,以旅順口俄郵局火漆 5 枚封口,封上另書掛號號碼 7226,封面再以紅筆大寫 “5” 字,標示匯款金額 5盧佈。據2021 《亞洲郵學家》文中記錄,存世僅只有11件。
起標價: 800 HK$
成交价: 1,800 HK$
bearing on reverse two oval company chops, along with London arrival cds. On front with Russian PO in China 10k, tied by Shanghai Russian PO cds. Cover folded and fragile. VF-F.