拍品號碼 5428

2024 夏季拍賣 - Sale 343 (6月27日至6月30日)   6月27日至30日, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5428
起標價: 900 HK$
成交价: 2,200 HK$
1802年3月16日路德馬丁親筆信,寫於1799年浮水印紙上。路德·馬丁(Luther Martin,1748-1826年),是一名出生於美國新澤西州的政治家、美國開國元勛。他因反對削弱州權利而拒絕在《美國憲法》上簽字。他也是美國聯邦黨的反對派領導人,他和派翠克·亨利、喬治·梅森,一道推進了權利法案的通過。

Luther Martin (1748-1826) was a Founding Father of the United States, framer of the U.S. Constitution, politician, lawyer, and slave owner. Martin was a delegate from Maryland to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, but did not sign the Constitution, having left the convention early because he felt the document as proposed violated states' rights. In the months following the convention, he was a leading Anti-Federalist, along with Patrick Henry and George Mason, whose collective efforts led to the passage of the Bill of Rights.