拍品號碼 8078

2024 夏季拍賣 - Sale 343 (6月27日至6月30日)   6月27日至30日, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 8078
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 1,900 HK$
一組2張清四次郵資片均由廣東寄出,第一張1912年1月分從河源寄瑞士國,中轉廣州府銷廣州府英漢腰框戳,再轉上海出口,此郵資片寄出時間已為民國政府剛成立運作,但仍接受清朝郵資票。 另一張從廣東永安寄河源,永安是少見的廣東小地方,兩張郵資片均保存完好。

the first one was sent from Kwangtung Hoyuan to Switzerland in January 1912, transferred to Canton, and then exported to Swiss from Shanghai. This postage was sent when the Republic of China government just started to operate, but still accepted Qing Dynasty postage. Another one was sent from Wingon, Canton to Hoyuan. Wingon is a small place in Canton. Both stationery postage cards are well preserved.