拍品號碼 5587

2024 夏季拍賣 - Sale 343 (6月27日至6月30日)   6月27日至30日, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5587
起標價: 4,000 HK$
成交价: 4,800 HK$
1860s-1920s a group of Hong Kong QV, KEVII and KGV mint and used stamps, in 4 album pages, including QV 1st issue unwmked used set, 2nd issue set including 96c olive bistre used, JUBILEE issue mint, KEVII 1c to $10 used, KGV 1c to $10 used, KGV ovpt. CHINA 1c to $2 used, etc. Large quantity. Please view.