- (-) Remove 台灣名家收藏大清郵政第三次及其他郵資明信片專場 filter 台灣名家收藏大清郵政第三次及其他郵資明信片專場
117.5mm inner frame distance, distance between printed postage and the inner frame is 2.5mm (normal is 4mm), a very rare short distance variety. Franked on reverse CIP 1/2c to 5c x 4. Unused but CTO with Kaiping lunar year cds. VF-F.
118.5mm inner frame distance, distance between printed postage and the inner frame is 2.5mm (normal is 4mm), a very rare short distance variety, uprated by CIP 1c & 2c, tied by Anhwei Pokchow lunar year cds., along with Honan Chowkakow, Shanghai Chinese PO, IJPO, Hankow and Japan transist cds., showing clear route.
118mm inner frame distance. Uprated by CIP 1c, tied by Newchwang bisected cds., along with Shantung Tsinan, Chefoo transit and Tsingtau German PO arrival cds. On reverse with Kiaochow transit cds. VF-F.