拍品號碼 5369

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5369
起標價: 10,000 HK$
1916年2月7日帆船1分郵資片,加貼帆船3分票,自貴州獨山經上海寄美國,銷貴州獨山“五年”日戳,旁蓋貴定、都勻、上海等中轉戳,均未使用“元年”字樣。其時袁世凱稱帝,改國號洪憲,蔡鍔將軍於雲貴地區起義,組護國軍抵制,故雲貴兩省拒用洪憲紀年,同時亦反映在郵政史上。 uprated by Junk 3c, tied by Kweichow Tushan "Year Five" cds., along with several transit cds. During the Hung Hsien Year from 1916 Jan 1st to Mar 23th, Kweichow and Yunnanprovinces refused to use "First Year" cds. VF-F.