拍品號碼 5224

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5224
起標價: 12,000 HK$
成交价: 12,000 HK$
1907年特殊版式清三次片,內框117mm,郵資圖和內框2.5mm短距,自四川重慶寄德國,銷四川重慶干支日戳,旁蓋重慶半切戳、上海中國郵局、德國客郵局、德國中轉和到達戳。罕見的特殊版式三次片。上品。 special print A: 118mm and B:2.5mm, tied by Szechuan Chungking lunar year cds., along with Chungking, Shanghai Chinese PO, German PO, Germany transit and arrival cds. Rare. VF.