拍品號碼 5222

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5222
起標價: 4,000 HK$
成交价: 5,000 HK$
1907年10月20日清三次片,內框118mm,自山東泗水寄濟寧,銷山東泗水干支日戳,旁蓋兗州中轉和濟寧到達戳。罕見的首年首月實寄三次片。上品。 118mm length, tied by Shantung Sze Shui lunar year cds., along with Yanchow transit and Tsining arrival cds. Used in the 1st month of issue. Rare. VF.