拍品號碼 1143

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 1143
起標價: 82,000 HK$
香港上海匯豐銀行1874年上海地名一兩,鈔號1021,《海上鈔列傳》p.16,中國最早的現代銀行紙幣,一向不為人知,現存僅有本次拍賣的這兩枚。八品,評PMG15 NET。

1874 Shanghai 1 Tael, serial no.: 1021, 《海上鈔列傳》p.16. The earliest Chinese banknote confirmed and available so far, one of the only 2 recorded. Never been reported, nor in the HSBC archive as documented in the “Money in the Bank”. Choice Fine. PMG15 NET.