拍品號碼 8040
The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342 December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong
the first one, 24 Sep 1910 was sent from Kwangpingfu, Weihsien, Hebei. It was affixed with a 1 cent and a 2 cent coiling dragon stamp, and was cancelled with three Hokienfu English-Chinese waist frame lunar year cds (23rd day of the eighth month in the Gengxu year). Since there was no post office in Kwangpingfu, it was then transferred to Hokienfu for processing. It was also cancelled during transit in Paoting and Pekjing, then transferred to the Peking French P.O. where sending via the Siberian route. It has an arrival stamp in Belgium dated 13 Oct. The second stationery card dated 1 Aug 1911, was mailed from Kaifeng, Henan to Belgium. It was also affixed with a 1 cent and a 2 cent coiling dragon stamp, and was cancelled with four Kaifeng English-Chinese waist frame circle cds (the seventh day of the leap month in the Xinhai year). It has a transit stamp from Tientsin, was transferred to the French post office in Tientsin with a round stamp, and also has postal markings "55" in a small circle and "S5". Both stationery postage cards+E50. are well preserved.