拍品號碼 8005
The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342 December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong
拍品號碼 8005
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 3,200 HK$
it was attached with a coiling dragon half-cent stamp, cancelled with a Tienchwangtai Chinese-English waist frame circled cds (Jiyou, winter month, 22nd), transferred and cancelled with a Newchwang Chinese-English waist frame circled cds (Newchwang/Ding/Jiyou, winter month, 22nd), and again transferred and cancelled with a Newchwang I.J.P.O. cds (3.1.10). The correct domestic to Japan postage of 1.5 cents was applied. It's relatively rare for international lines to be sent from small places like Northeast Tienchwangtai.