拍品號碼 5118

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5118
起標價: 1,200 HK$
成交价: 2,000 HK$
Announcement: 1894-97 a group of 3 Dowager blocks of 4, comprising 1st Print 3Cd mint, Small Figure surch. 1/2c mint and used. For 3Cd block of 4, with watermarks omitted variety for bottom row of 2 stamps. VF-F. ; 1894-97年慈壽初版3分銀、小字加蓋半分新票、舊票等4方連共三件,其中3分銀新票方連下邊兩枚票均為漏水印變異,罕見。上品。

comprising 1st Print 3Cd mint, Small Figure surch. 1/2c mint and used. For 3Cd block of 4, with watermarks omitted variety for bottom row of 2 stamps. VF-F.