拍品號碼 9201

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 9201
起標價: 15,000 HK$
成交价: 15,000 HK$
1904年6月漢口寄比利時明信片,貼蟠龍1分票2枚及2分票1枚,銷十分罕見之京漢鐵路郵政信箱方形郵戳,旁蓋漢口、上海中國郵局、法國客郵局中轉戳和比利時到達戳。上品。另附一枚大清鐵路管理局廣漢鐵路廣州段的職員通行證,十分稀罕。 f.w. CIP 1c x 2 & 2c, tied by very rare boxed Peking Hankow Railway Postal Box mark, along with Hankow, Shanghai Chinese PO, French PO, transit and Belgium arrival cds. Attached also a empoyee pass of CANTON-HANKOW RAILWAY issued by Imperial Chinese Railway Administration.