拍品號碼 9147

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 9147
起標價: 40,000 HK$
上海半切日戳研究集,共44件郵品置於一冊,均為實寄郵資片或風景片,包含以數字代替年份及在分割綫處加上數字以厘清郵務員責任的郵戳研究。收集研究多年,適合專家參展使用。請預覽。 on 44 items holding in an album, including postal stationery cards and picture postcards, with year replaced by numerals or additional numeral at bisecte line to differentiate responsibility of individual postal clerk.