拍品號碼 5542

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5542
起標價: 7,500 HK$
成交价: 7,500 HK$
1951年8月30日台灣寄美國航空掛號封,貼第二組飛雁全套4枚,銷臺北日戳,旁蓋美國海關免費放行章,背面有到達戳。是第二版飛雁票的極早使用例,貼全套票更是難得。上品。 f.w. Flying Geese 2nd issue set of 4, tied by Taipeh cds., along with U.S. CUSTOMS PASSED FREE cachet, on reverse with USA arrival cds. Nice early usage of 2nd Flying Geese issues. VF-F.