拍品號碼 5194

The 2023 Winter Auction - Sale 342   December 16th - 19th 2023, Hong Kong

拍品號碼 5194
起標價: 1,500 HK$
成交价: 4,400 HK$
1897年12月18日天津寄美國混貼封,混貼日本版蟠龍4票2枚及日本小判5錢6枚,分別銷天津八卦戳+天津大圓戳及上海日本國客郵局日戳,背面另蓋有上海大圓戳,日本中轉戳及美國到達戳。有一枚日本票破損,上中品。 mixed franking with ICP 4c x 2 anf Japanese Koban 5s x 6, tied by Tientsin Pakua cancel + Tientsin Dollar cds. and Shanghai Japanese PO cds. respectively, on reverse with very Shanghai Dollar cds., Japan transit and USA arrival cds. One Japan stamp faulty. F-VF.