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f.w. ICP 2c x 3 and 5c, tied by clear Type II Kiungchow Dollar cds., and a R mark. On reverse with Shanghai Dollar cds. as transit and Wuhu Dollar cds. as arrival. VF-F.
uprated by CIP 1c, 2c and mixed franking with Hong Kong QV 2c pair, tied by Kiungchow Dollar cds. and Hong Kong cds. + IPO cachet respectively. Showing the latest use of this rare Kiungchow Dollar cds. A gem in postal history. VF-F.
mixed franking with CIP 10c, French Indo China 5c and 10c, tied by extremely rare Lungchow Dollar cds. and Tonkin Lang-son cds. respectively. On reverse also with Lungchow Dollar cds., Tonkin Haiphong transit and France arrival. VF-F.
f.w. ICP 1c x 2 on reverse, tied by Ningpo Pakua cancels (122 221), with originating Ningpo (Feb 17) Customs cds. on front, tranist via Ningpo head office receiving NINGPO Dollar cds. (Feb 18) on cover back, along with Shanghai (Feb 19) Dollar cds. & Tientsin (Feb 28) Dollar cds. as arrival. This is the only known cover with Customs cds., Pakua and Dollar cds. of the same city on same cover. VF-F.