f.w. CIP 2c and 4c, tied by Foochow double-ringed bilingual cds. On reverse with Peking arrival. VF-F
uprated by CIP 1/2c, 2c and 5c, tied by rare dateless Tunghing PO postmark, along with Yanchow, Pakhoi Chinese PO and French PO transit cds. VF-F.
bearing Foochow City bilingual cds. VF-F.
bearing Kongmoon, Kamchuk and Canton postmarks. VF-F.
including oval datestamp and tombstone postmarks. VF-F.
bearing Monkanshan and Ningpo cds. VF-F.
bearing Pakkwan, Changchow, Tinghai, Chuchow and Shangyu PO tombstone postmarks. VF-F.
bearing Chenkam, Wusue, Tangkakiu, Chentungchun and Suanyangfu circular or tombstone postmarks. VF-F.