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顯示 760 的 745 - 756
起標價: 3,000 HK$
成交价: 4,400 HK$
2005 1000 Piso x 10 (P-197b), graded PMG 65EPQ-68EPQ, with fantastic Solid or One Million serial nos.: JJ111111, JJ222222, JJ333333, JJ444444, JJ555555, JJ666666, JJ777777, JJ888888, JJ999999 and JJ1000000. An excellent group.
起標價: 2,600 HK$
成交价: 2,800 HK$
2008A and 2010 20 Piso x 10 (P-182j), graded PMG 58-66EPQ, with fantastic Solid or One Million serial nos.: ZZ111111, ZZ222222, ZZ333333, ZZ444444, ZZ555555, ZZ666666, ZZ777777, ZZ888888, ZZ999999 and ZZ1000000. An excellent group.