拍品號碼 1116

Clement Ho's Collection   October, 2023

拍品號碼 1116
起標價: 10,000 HK$
成交价: 24,000 HK$
1899年6月5日清一次片自廣州混貼寄日本,混貼慈壽小字2分2枚及香港2先雙連,分別銷廣州半切日戳及香港日戳+IPO小橫戳,旁蓋日本東京中轉及到達戳。上品。清片混貼慈壽票者十分罕見,1899年6月使用的廣州半切日戳也是極早使用例子。 mixed franking with Dowager Small Figure surch. 2c x 2 and Hong Kong QV 2c pair, tied by Canton bisected cds. and Hong Kong cds. + IPO cachet respectively, along with Tokyo transit and arrival cds. VF-F. Canton bisected cds. used in 1899 Jun is very early usage.