拍品號碼 1107

Clement Ho's Collection   October, 2023

拍品號碼 1107
起標價: 2,000 HK$
1913年日本寄江西袁州再轉寄洋溪進口郵資明信片,日本1.5錢郵資片寄江西檢查中轉郵路,此片由日本9月27日發出,進口蓋江西袁州府二年十日?日落戳,毛筆批注:轉呈安福西鄉洋溪郵政局代收,分蓋:萍鄉府二年十月十四、吉安府十月十六、樟樹十月十七、江西安福十月廿二、西鄉十月?日等多枚 江西小地中轉戳,有江西洋溪十月廿三全漢腰框式到達戳並蓋「檢查」紅戳於片背面,難得很少見的江西民國郵政史郵路研究組集素材,郵路精彩覆蓋多個江西小地方腰框印記並保存完好。

bearing Tokio, Changshu, Pinghsiang, Anfu, Yangki and other transit and arrival cds. on both sides. A difficult and fairly rare incoming postal card showing a good array of Chinese chops in Kiangsi local small towns; a very good material for studying the mail route in Kiangsi Province in 1910s. VF-F.