拍品號碼 1081

Clement Ho's Collection   October, 2023

拍品號碼 1081
起標價: 1,000 HK$
成交价: 1,600 HK$
1948年7月10日上海寄美國航空明信片,使用了孫像郵資片,因通貨膨脹加劇,所有郵資明信片均不符合郵資需求,故覆蓋孫像上海大東一、二、三版票9枚,合郵資17萬元,符合國際航空信函郵資。片上所貼大東三版票發行日期為1948年7月23日,此片為難得的提前使用實例。林光照舊藏,流傳有序。 due to hyper-inflation in 1948-49, all postages of postal card are invalid, this card covered by 9 SYS Shanghai Tah Tung 1st, 2nd & 3rd Print issues, total rate $170,000, matching the international airmail letter rate. The Tah Tung 3rd Print issues were issued on Jul 23, 1948, this card showing the early used of these stamps and thus rare. VF-F.